Priority Projects for 2022
Priority projects are agreed with funders at grant application stage and are supported with additional investment due to the special nature of the building and / or its community or townscape value. Funder by owners and a range of grants up to £4.1m will be invested into five key historic buildings in Maybole over the period of the project. Funding from the project has already helped contribute to renovating and preserving Goudie’s (the former Speakers).
Agreement with funders has led to four further projects to be supported
Maybole Town Hall – Works have begun with our contractors, Procast with works due to complete in Feb 2022
Maybole Charity Shop – works have begun with the works due to complete in Dec 2022
Maybole Castle – The contract is expected to be awarded in Late Aug / Sep 2022 with works starting soon after for a period of up to 14 months bringing the Castle back into use.
Camerons – it is hoped this scheme will start in 2022.
Funders: Priority building Improvements are generously funded by owners, Heritage Lottery, HES, SAC (Town Hall Only), Scottish Government, Scottish Land Fund (Charity Shop Only)